The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Full Movie Part 1

The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Full Movie Part 1 8,1/10 5492votes

Archer Senft Updates 2. Being Relational.

The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Full Movie Part 1

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Click Here. We have added a DONATE button to the top this page. Please use that button at the top of this page if you want to make an online donation. We are grateful for the outpouring of support we have received. This page is dedicated to the progress and recovery of our 1. Archer Senft. On August 5, 2. Archer broke the C5 vertebra in his neck while swimming in Cape May, NJ.

Stellan Skarsgård was born in Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län, Sweden, to Gudrun (Larsson) and Jan Skarsgård. He became a star in his teens through. December 24, 2015 Archer Update Family & Friends Update 12-24-15, DAY 143, five weeks and two days at KKI A Christmas Miracle Archer comes home on a TLOA for. The Unbearable Lightness of Being is a gorgeous adaptation of Milan Kundera's novel of the same name (one of my favorite books). It's the story of Tomas, a surgeon. L.A. Times entertainment news from Hollywood including event coverage, celebrity gossip and deals. View photo galleries, read TV and movie reviews and more. Do you expect us to use your bath towels? Do you think we know which part of the towel you use for your face, or your own hands? Or do you know that we might grab the.

After working the lunch rush in the kitchen as the cook at the Beach Club of Cape May, Archer went down to jump in the ocean and cool off before returning to clean up and get ready for the next day. He dove into a sandbar and suffered the injury. Luckily, Archer was surrounded by capable and caring lifeguards and friends, and he was quickly taken to Atlanticare Regional Medical Center in Atlantic City, NJ. He remains in the intensive care unit at the hospital there for now. We’ve created this page to keep friends and family updated. We appreciate your prayers, support and words of hope during this time when it matters most. The road ahead is long, but we will be with Arch every moment of the way.

Right now, Archer is paralyzed from the top of the chest on down. The Senfts believe in miracles and the power of your prayers. Please keep praying for Archer to recover; we are storming heaven!    This picture was taken outside of The Food Market in Hampden, Baltimore on Archer’s birthday last month. Archer loves to cook and bake, so the evening was extra special! Fist Fight Movie Watch Online.

LATEST 2. 01. 5 UPDATE FROM THE SENFT FAMILY: December 2. Archer Update Family & Friends Update 1. Day 1. 44   A wonderful homecoming!

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Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Amen. Sending love. December 2. 4, 2. Archer Update Family & Friends Update 1. DAY 1. 43, five weeks and two days at KKI A Christmas Miracle Archer comes home on a TLOA for Christmas   It was November 2. Archer would be joining his family for Thanksgivine was jarred into the reality of the KKI world.

First, we had to make a formal request. Ok. Done. They call it a TLOA (temporary leave of absence up to 5- 6 hours). Then we had to meet all the requirements and satisfy all the rules related to KKI training. KKI is a place heavy, indeed, burdened by many rules. The essence of it all is that all of our prior training and experience at Shepherd did not count. And much of what we had been taught was against their rules. At least that’s how our request to go home for the portion of one day, Thanksgiving, was responded to.

So, confident in what we did know, we were like hamsters on a wheel performing and doing each rule that was thrown at us. It seemed as soon as we reached and satisfied rule 3. Oh by the way, we forgot to tell you about rule 1. So almost against odds that were not attainable on a time line, we accomplished them (although we later came to find out that the staff never signed off, another trust point) until we then learned our doctor wanted trach changes.

You know that story. And she added things like bathing to go on a TLOA for a few hours. Hmm. Interesting for many reasons, but because unlike Shepherd’s 2 x a week shower, a couple given to Archer by Billy and me together on the rare Sunday it was possible for us both to be present as one flight landed and another took off later in the day, at KKI, Archer was given only one tub soak in two weeks, and they were tentative then too, and I was not allowed to help. So Billy and I began to realize it was never Archer’s doctor’s intention to release him.

Why, hard to say, except it began we believe operating from a place of fear. That fear hardened her heart and clouded her thinking. When pressed, we then heard for the first time from her, It’s not safe. It was not surprising. But it stung. For starters, did she actually think Billy and I would do anything to place Archer in harm’s way? We were battling to make sure he got proper care and was safe. Not safe? It had every fairness fiber in my body on fire.

It was wrong. She was wrong. And as for other reality data points, Archer endured two flights in high altitude, had been going out on Fun Friday’s at Shepherd since September and had a track record of doing a number of amazing things relative to his injury. He had been to the movies and the Atlanta Zoo and Starbucks etc for Lord’s sake. Out in public, 3.

He did fine. Billy and I would take him on walks out in the gardens in Atlanta. Shepherd knew how important being outside was in addition to some independence for a teenager. At KKI, we have been confined to his room. Five weeks plus now. Not being allowed to even as much take Archer down the hall or to a different room to meet with friends.

We kept asking.   So, Archer’s experience at Shepherd was not good enough in their eyes. Our training at Shepherd was not good enough in their eyes. And they added that we needed that trach change experience which we had never had at Shepherd because they didn’t do trach changes there. All of this, seriously confusing.

The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Full Movie Part 1

And KKI was telling us we needed 2 caregivers with 2 trach changes each. And the 2 times I performed those first gassly trach changes, trach tissue yankings would be a better term, along side the JHH PICU respiratory therapist who was their superstar and again alongside the JHH ENT doctor, even they were not good enough for KKI, and in hindsight it is more accurate to say, it was not good enough for Archer’s KKI doctor, who insisted she was speaking for all of KKI. So, even when the JHH ENT doctor said to me, Don’t worry. I’ll make sure your experience here goes to KKI, and even when KKI said they would defer to the JHH ENT doc on anything related to Archer’s trach, Archer’s KKI doctor was picking and choosing. The fairness, justice and equity bubbles in my bloodstream were gurgling loudly.

Especially the ones about process. Especially when I knew process. Especially when I knew they could have good process if they wanted to. It gored me they did not. Or that they just didn’t know. Or have any awareness. So, she carried out her jail sentence even from afar.

Because rule 2. 43 is that we can’t even take Archer out of his room until we were trach change trained. But clearly trach change trained alongside the above experts was not satisfactory. Archer was not happy, I was not happy. To the credit of Archer’s doctor, she may have had a flash of remorse or empathy. It’s hard to say. But I want to believe she did given the circumstances that we found ourselves in, operating with a very different worldview about care. That said, she said to us back on November 2.

Let’s work toward a Christmas TLOA. It was a salve.   We took it seriously. Which meant, we believed her, and were willing to still try and trust her despite the debacle of the trach change fiasco and betrayals of Archer. She never did talk with Archer as she said she would.

Anyway, regarding Christmas TLOA, Archer did his part and we did our part. As it turned out, she was not good for her word. That saddens me even as I write.

It is so important that we are all good for our word. Our request was for Christmas Eve, return to KKI and then come back home for Christmas Day, up to 5- 6 hours within all their rules. Two trach changes later, both performed at KKI (and both finally with lidocaine which had been denied to Archer initially), we should have met all the rules, finally. But we found ourselves last week, a full month later denied again.

It’s true.   Reason given: He’s medically unstable. The same doctor; the same barrier. While we had been raising Caine those first two weeks at KKI when we saw Archer’s lungs not being suctioned properly, and then in the PICU when we realized no one had been doing Archer’s bowel program properly for him, we spent a lot of energy showing staff what Archer had needed re proper suctioning and other methods, proper to Archer that is, and perhaps not to other patients or to babies or toddlers, but best for him to keep him from desaturating, which we were used to plugs but not desaturating.