Watch Asteroid Vs Earth Online Facebook

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Asteroid Vs Earth Movie' title='Asteroid Vs Earth Movie' />Syfy Watch Full Episodes. I made a mistake in a recent post. That happens sometimes, and usually it just means a quick correction and update to clear it up. Watch Asteroid Vs Earth Online Facebook' title='Watch Asteroid Vs Earth Online Facebook' />Asteroid Vs PlanetBut in this case I need to explain it a bit more because what unfolded after is pretty cool, and is a wonderful example of how science works. On July 7, 2. 01. I posted a gorgeous picture of a galaxy taken by the Very Large Telescope or VLT. Called M7. 7, its a nearby very nearly face on spiral with lots of interesting stuff going on with it. In that article, though, I decided to focus on something odd in the image itself. To the lower left of the galaxy center is a multi colored streak. That is clearly something that moved in the sky between and during exposures the final image is a composite of several images taken through different filters, layered together to approximate a natural color image. If something moves, then it appears as a streak in each exposure, and the process of adding them together produces the polychromatic nature of the final streak. My first thought was that it was either an asteroid in the solar system or an artificial satellite orbiting the Earth. Mea Culpa Asteroid vs. Satellite. My first thought was that it was either an asteroid in the solar system or an artificial satellite orbiting the Earth. An Asteroid Will Give Earth A Close Shave On October 12. Watch Heavy D Get Some Serious Air In The Monster Truck Max D. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories. WatchAsteroidvsEarthOnlineFacebookru2fsearch3fformat3d26mkt3denus26q3dWatch2bAsteroid2bvs2bEarth2bOnline2bFacebookviewdetailmmscnvwrcmid47C91054E448CB4ED5C347C91054E448CB4ED5C3FORMWVFSTD hIDSERP,5817. Watch video MountainSize Asteroid Flies By Earth Today Watch It Online. You can also watch the asteroid 2004 BL86 flyby on Space. Follow us Spacedotcom, Facebook. Watch Asteroid vs Earth 2014 When a shower of massive meteors threatens an extinction level event on Earth, the worlds greatest minds devise a dangerous plan. Sign in with Facebook Other Sign in options. Asteroid vs. Earth tells the same old story of an asteroid on collision course with. Watch Movies TV Online. Category ActionAdventureSciFiThrillerhttpswww. IDSERP,5389. 1Asteroid and Comet Watch NASANASA. Americas space agency. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, watch NASA TV live, and learn about our. ALTERNATES/s615b/Rosetta-mission-2.jpg' alt='Watch Asteroid Vs Earth Online Facebook' title='Watch Asteroid Vs Earth Online Facebook' />Ive seen asteroids in images before, and they tend to leave long streaks, so I dismissed that. Then I sleuthed around, finding evidence that it was a satellite, specifically a geosynchronous sat that orbits over Earths equator, so thats the conclusion I landed on. Earth Asteroid StrikeAfter I posted it, though, people started commenting see the updates at the bottom of the article. One person noted the streaks were too short to be a satellite because the VLT would have tracked on the galaxy, so in even a few seconds the sat streak wouldve been quite long. Someone else pointed out that from the Southern Hemisphere the VLT is in Chile geosynch sats would look to be farther north due to the viewing angle. Then my friend and astronomer Adam Block sent me a note. He did the math and found that a geosynch sat would move a long way in an image like this even if the exposure times were short. At that point I knew it wasnt a satellite anymore, and that it must be an asteroid. I updated the post, lamenting that without the exact time and date the images were taken, wed never know what asteroid it was. So I figured that was it. But its not overAsteroid To Hit EarthMaster astrophotographer Andr van der Hoeven then sent me a note. He told me that the observation data using the VLT is in fact in an online database that can be queried. I didnt know that I wish I had, because I wouldve known what to do next. Happily, Andr did it for me, and I followed his steps, reproducing his results. He searched the database for observations of M7. VLT noting that the instrument used was FORS2 for imaging, and using a search region of 1. They were taken on Sept. He then went to the Minor Planets Center website, where astronomers keep track of the known asteroids and other small bodies in the solar system. There is software there that allows you to enter the date and time of your observations and what part of the sky youre interested in. It returns a list of asteroids in that area at that time Amazing. Putting in the datetime of the observations and the location of M7. YP4. 8, 2. 09 JH8, and 2. EA5. 3, plus their locations at the time the observations were taken. Next step Fire up Aladin Lite, a browser based sky viewing map where you can enter the name or coordinates of an object and it will put up an interactive display of it. You can choose what sky catalog to use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey gave me the best image of M7. The next step is to simply move the cursor near the position of the streak in the VLT image and see if any of the asteroids positions match BOOM The coordinates of 2. YP4. 8 are a near exact match. We have a winner Not only that, but Andr checked, and the colors of the streaks match the order the images were taken blue, green, then red. As I noted in the original post, the final image of the galaxy uses four filters the fourth was an H alpha filter, which highlights star forming regions. However, there is no fourth streak from the asteroid. Why not Looking at the database, I see many H alpha observations, but none on that night. The people who created the image obviously used an H alpha observation taken at a different time, as I had surmised in my original article. Thats why we dont see the asteroid in that filter. It was in a different part of the sky at that time. Andr then took one more step Using the exposure time, he figured out how far the asteroid would have moved in a single observation and found the streaks again lined up nicely. This is clearly YP4. Going one more step I looked up the orbit of the asteroid on the JPL Small Body Database browser. YP4. 8 is a main belt asteroid, and at the time of the observations was 4. Sun and 3. 00 million kilometers from Earth. It has a mildly elliptical orbit that keeps it between Mars and Jupiter, taking 4. Sun. I see it has an absolute magnitude of 1. That means its probably 1. So how about that An incorrect speculation on my part fed the curiosity of a few folks, and then led to an interplanetary detective case. Evidence was collected, forensics was applied, and a culprit was established beyond a shadow of a doubt. And that, my friends, is science You make an observation, come up with ideas to explain it, then publish. Others come in to critique it. Sometimes mistakes are made, but when they are the scientist has to own up to them. Watch Body Double 4Shared. That allows the gate to open to better understanding, and sometimes even a firm conclusion. And this time it did exactly that.