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A.k.a. DJ AFOS: A Blog by Jimmy J. Aquino PRINCE ROGERS NELSON, THE DEVIL IS IN CONTROL “The GOAT has to do with fertility and is symbolic of the Magnum Opus of alchemy when one’s energies from. Find something interesting to watch in seconds. WikiVisually the entire wiki with video and photo galleries. Kari Wahlgren (born July 13, 1977).

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This is cool! Korra looks so pretty with and without makeup, and so does Asami! A: t. LA & Lo. K Pinterest. 4b.

Search Results In Search of Black Assassins. Riding the GOAT, the Black Music Entertainment Industry“The devil, the originator of sorrowful anxieties and restless troubles, flees before the sound of music almost as much as before the Word of God… Music is a gift and grace of God, not an invention of men. Thus it drives out the devil and makes people cheerful. Then one forgets all wrath, impurity, and other devices.” – Martin Luther (1.

They have known for generations that music is a highway to the soul. Black Music was universal, spiritual, healing and a key to the universe and peace. In the darkest hours, our music brought light to our hearts and lessen the heavy burdens over the roads. For generations to the eyes of the world, whether in the form of Spirituals, Blues, Jazz, Gospels, Rhythm and Blues, Poetic Rap, it humanized the Black Experience. Now, it is turning into an avenue for SATAN. It is be filled with EVIL, inclinations and spells to ENSLAVE the masses. In Old Europe, they often called on and appealed to SATAN for Power, Wealth and Fortune through secret Roman Catholic Satanic Human Blood Sacrifice Rituals.

These ancient Black Mass/Satanic Cults of the Blood Sacrifice have continued underground throughout the generations. In the late 2. 0th Century, these Satanic Blood Oath Secrecy Syndicates have moved in to control the illegal drug industry, and now seek the total takeover of the Black Entertainment and Music Industry to dedicate it to Chaos and glorify the Goat God. It isn’t any coincidence that one of the Black Music Industry’s biggest proponent of riding the Goat God, the BAPHOMET (discussed below), is Beyonce. It is not just the Jesuits as some would argue. It is much more deeper. The satanic murder cults among European royalty, nobility and the Knights Templar preceded the formations of the Jesuits in 1.

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Find something interesting to watch in. and not a damsel in distress. Ryan Reynolds were working on a Deadpool film at New Line Cinema after. I really wish that Tenzin and Lin had broken up because of this instead of the Fan thought that Tenzin broke up with Lin because she couldn't have children and if he. Curious if your diet can help your performance? Try eating one of these quick bites from Health before your next tough workout. By Alyssa Shaffer Foods for a better.

It is certain because Knights Templar, French Nobleman Gilles de Montmorency- Laval aka Baron Giles de Rais, the lord of 1. Duke of Brittany (England), was executed for secret Roman Catholic Black Mass Blood Sacrifices on October 2.

Jesuits were formed.[2]“Henriet and Poitou told tales of how he delighted in bathing in the boys’ blood and cutting off their heads himself so that he could wash his face and beard in the gore. They said he often had his servants stab a boy in the jugular so he could shower in the spurting blood. He sat on their chests and cut across part of their throats so they bled slowly to death. Others he hanged until they were nearly dead and then cut their throats.

Still others had all their limbs cut off, or were ripped open so he could see their hearts and entrails. After death, all the bodies and their clothes were burned in the castle’s great kitchen furnaces. The servants spoke of obscene torture and blood- splattered walls in each of his castles. When Gilles returned to the court, dressed from head to toe in white to indicate his repentance.”The precise number of Baron Gilles Roman Catholic. Coven victims is not known, as most of the bodies were burned or buried just as in the case of Lady Baroness Marie Delphine Macarty- La. Laurie in French New Orleans. However, the number of the Gilles’ Coven murders is generally placed between 8.

The victims ranged in age from six to eighteen and included both sexes.[3]We are also quite certain about what the Knights Templar’s supreme Satanic Goat God had been, the BAPHOMET. It also seems certain that during Baron Gilles de Rais’ era around the 1. Century that the Knights Templar human sacrifices had been dedicated to a god or demon in the form of a Goat, below. In the case of Lady Baroness La. Laurie’s New Orleans Coven, we aren’t sure of their idol.  They allowed Baroness Lalaurie to escape prosecution and a proper investigation because her victims were Africans subjected to human bondage. It  is more probable than not that she sailed to France until the scandal of ritualistic mass murder, torture and mayhem of Africans discovered at her mansion died down.  However, throughout the history of the European Order of Knights, their one consistent Demon and God had been the ram goat– the Baphomet. So, it is more probable then not to begin with the secret blood covenant Knights Templar, then the Jesuits, Freemasons and Mafia as currently secretly involved in the 2.

Century continuation of the Black Mass/Satanic Blood Sacrifice Circles.[4]However, we face a serious dilemma in challenging the crimes of Satanic cults, because society and our system of laws does not recognize ritualized and spiritual crimes without a Corpus Delicti (“body of crime“). It is also extremely difficult to prove ritualistic crimes because of ultra blood oath secrecy of its religious doctrines and among its members. There are also over 2 million Masons in North America and nearly 5 million worldwide. Adventure Time Season 8 Episode 2 more. Freemasonry is made up of many individuals in the legislative national and state branches of the government. They are in the national and state judicial  branches. They are in the all branches of the military and local law enforcement agencies.  They are in schools, universities and corporations. They are in the music, television and movie industry,  all subordinate and obedient to the Masonic Grand Lodges and the Baphomet-  SATAN.

They all, “Ride the GOAT” to carry on a vast global campaign of ritualized spiritual warfare, and a criminal enterprise to cover- up and veil their crimes. Baroness Lalaurie and French New Orleans are closely related to Bobbie Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon, because one of them, Rosie Perez, close to the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic. Church let it slip that the crimes committed against them were ritualistic and spiritual. For only a moment, she pointed the finger directly at Angela Bassett and her made for TV Whitney Houston biopic for Bobbi Kristina’s current fate. Additionally, Bobbi Kristina publicly exposed Angela Bassett as a secret transgender that violated Blood Oath Secrecy of the cult. The EVIL and SPIRIT that possess and empowers her demonic motivations is that of the same of the ancient French Satanic Blood Sacrifice Cults of Baron Giles de Rais and Baroness Lady Marie Delphine La. Laurie of French New Orleans.

The EVIL and Demonic Spirit of Roman Catholic French Creole Madame Marie Laveau possess Angela Bassett. In the popular television series, An American Horror Story, the Coven, the TV show resurrected the Roman Catholic racial mass murderer Baroness La. Laurie for a global audience played by Holly.

Weird’s Actress Cathy Bates. In 1. 44. 0, when Baron Giles de Rais  was only partly burned, some ladies and damsels of his family requested his remains of the Duke of Brittany, that they might be interred in holy ground (immortality), which was granted. The staggering prevalence of Satanic Mythological Themes deeply embedded in the Black Entertainment and Music Industry is absolutely unprecedented in African American World History. It also isn’t any coincidence that one of the Black Music Industry’s biggest proponent of SATANISM is the Luciferian Black Queen, Rihanna.

In the Coven, Madame Laveau decapitated Baroness La. Laurie, then buried the body. Before decapitation,  Madame Marie Laveau gave her an  immortality magick potion that granted her soul and head (the Medusa Head) IMMORTALITY and renewed life to haunt Africans and People of Color into the 2. St Century. Whether you choose to believe or not, Whitney Houston rode the GOAT, Little sister, Bobbi Kristina Brown, was Whitney Houston’s first born Satanic Blood Sacrifice to the BAPHOMET of the powerful global ultra secret Ninth Satanic Circle Cabal, the bastard child of the Medieval French Murder Cults. Houston had been planning a return trip to the Holy Land as a follow up to the time she spent there with her then- husband Bobby Brown.

She apparently wanted to be baptized again in the Jordan River by the African Israelites (Black Hebrews). The Insider” showed Houston’s goddaughter Brandi Burnside saying, “We planned to go to Israel together.