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Watch Out for Counterfeit Solar Eclipse Glasses. In case you’ve somehow managed to avoid the growing hype, on August 2. United States. And to protect your eyesight when staring into the sun, you’ll need protective glasses.

Naturally, though, there are already sketchy retailers out there peddling counterfit eclipse- watching gear, that might not appropriately protect your vision. A post from Quartz warned against counterfeit eclipse glasses that are being sold on Amazon by companies that don’t normally make astronomical gear. One seller, for example, also sold fidget spinners. Of course they did.)According to NASA, you should check if your glasses fit these criteria: Have certification information with a designated ISO 1. Have the manufacturer’s name and address printed somewhere on the product. Not be used if they are older than three years, or have scratched or wrinkled lenses. Not use homemade filters or be substituted for with ordinary sunglasses — not even very dark ones — because they are not safe for looking directly at the Sun.

Watch Forks Over Knives Online Mic

ATLAS is an incredible machine. There’s no way around that. First unveiled in 2013, the humanoid robot can now walk around autonomously, move boxes around, and. EXCLUSIVE: The former stars of the TV show share their thoughts on body image and therapy in series of videos. 'I'm always going to have to live with having problems. Boys who watch porn at a young age are more likely to grow into misogynistic men who want power over women, a new study conducted at the University of Nebraska.

The American Astronomical Society has approved these five brands for buying eclipse glasses: American Paper Optics, Baader Planetarium (Astro. Solar Silver/Gold film only), Rainbow Symphony, Thousand Oaks Optical, and TSE 1. However, many counterfeit companies also use the names of the approved companies on their glasses. Watch Here I Am Full Movie. NASA and the American Astronomical Society will approve more brands in an upcoming post, and retail stores like Walmart will likely soon begin selling approved eclipse- viewing glasses. These counterfeits aren’t necessarily dangerous to use, but there just isn’t a guarantee that they’ll protect your eyes.

Solar- eclipse fever means counterfeit glasses are flooding Amazon’s market Quartz.

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MIC Natalie and Lauren open up about mental health battles. It would be all too easy to look at the sensational images of Natalie Joel and Lauren Hatton and believe they must ooze self- confidence. Yet despite their enviable looks and figures, the stunning Made In Chelsea duo have bravely revealed that they're not immune to feeling insecure over how they look. Watch Mall Hindi Full Movie. Now Natalie, 2. 6, who joined series three of MIC as Hugo Taylor's girlfriend, and Lauren, 2. Spencer Matthews, have spoken out in a series of videos made for The Blue Tree Clinic in Harley Street.

The pair have now opened up about their struggles with self- esteem and body image and revealed they have both battled eating disorders and depression. Scroll down for videos Struggling with food Lauren revealed she has in the past seen a psychiatrist and taken medication for depression and an eating disorder.'I have [had an eating disorder]. I still have, I still struggle with it. I don't think it's ever going to go,' she said.'It's so rife right now, I think there's so many people who have problems with eating or unhealthy associations with food, unhealthy coping mechanisms when they feel like they've eaten too much and anxiety around that. 'Or not eating enough and starving yourself to look the perfect shape. It's a massive killer, anorexia.' Support: Lauren attended the launch party of Natalie's Joel Swimwear range last year. EATING DISORDERSEating disorders have the highest mortality rate out of any mental illness.

At least one in five anorexia deaths are from suicide. In the US, at least 3. And in the UK, 7. B- eat. Anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder (BED) are the most commonly diagnosed eating disorders. Genetics and cultural factors combine to create risk for an eating disorder, according to scientists. Those who are suffering from an eating disorder or suspect that a loved one is struggling should seek help from a GP. Source: National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)She talked about how she struggled to eat food - which her friends and family noticed - and the guilt and shame she felt when she overate.'It's think it's quite hard to accept help. I didn't really think I had an eating issue. 'I used to think about food all the time.

I couldn't function properly, I kept thinking about food.. I eating too much?'Experiencing anxiety She added: 'It would give me this huge anxiety that I couldn't deal with. 'I had friends who were saying Lauren, maybe you should go get some help.'So I eventually went and it sort of changed my life.'Lauren says that with a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness and adopting a healthy lifestyle she has learnt to manage her issues around food.

She says people should not be ashamed to take anti- depressants. 'With depression, there is a physical metamorphosis with it. Sometimes you have chemical imbalances in your brain and you do need a bit of assistance. It worked for me.'Mental health has such a stigma which I think is a real shame. It's nice to break the boundaries and talk about it more often.'  Social stigma: Lauren and Natalie say we should talk more about mental health. Watch Forgetting The Girl Online Flashx. Lauren was not ashamed to admit she's taken medication for depression and eating disorder. Natalie, who joined the show in series three as 2.

Hugo's girlfriend, revealed that she too has suffered with issues around eating.'I struggled with eating disorders when I was a lot younger, and more impressionable, when I was about 1. I was miserable. Most of the girls around me that age had some kind of eating disorder, with all the pressures of social media and looking perfect.'Lauren chipped in, 'In school it was almost like a fashion to have an eating disorder', with Natalie responding, 'It was, I remember, I think that's why it started for me. It's so sad.'Natalie says young girls feel the pressure to look perfect. Seeking help The pair urged young people who are struggling with an eating disorder to start talking about it - ideally to a therapist. Lauren, who became an occupational therapist after leaving the show, said: 'You'e not judged. 'Just talking about your anxieties in a safe place really helps to lower them. Then you can find out why you're anxious about food.'For me I used to sit there and watch other people eat and I couldn't have a conversation.'I'd sit there with my plate of food and push it around my plate and I literally couldn't engage with my family around a table.'I know I'm always going to have to live with having problems with my food but it's a lot better than it was.'Impossible standards.

In the videos, the friends blame magazines and social media for unrealistic pressures on women and young girls. Lauren said: 'Everyone is looking at these airbrushed supermodels and having unrealistic expectations of what they should look like. 'The idea of beauty has changed. It's bringing out so much more anxiety for the younger generation, and body dysmorphia. Eating disorders are more rife.

Natalie nods. 'Unrealistic pressures.. Lauren adds: 'Social media is a reflection on lives that aren't necessarily real. 'I think a lot of people just sit at home and get caught up in it, and think that they should be this or should be that, and it's not real.'  The pair also talk about the impact of trolls on the internet who make negative comment on their looks - particularly of their swimwear pics.

Lauren said: 'A lot of that comes from jealousy. I always say if you've nothing nice to say don't say it.'Natalie agreed. We have to wear swimwear and a lot of people have something to say, whether it's nice or negative.'You have to feel sorry for them, it's obvious they have a chip on their shoulder.

But they can really hurt.' Lauren added: 'I've learn not to let it bother me, laugh about it and realise that if someone is saying something negative about you it's coming from a bitter place.'It's not reflection of you, they need to go into therapy.'Women need to empower women more. As a woman we're the first people to bring each other down, I see that a lot which is really sad.'.