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Getting started Less. Less is a CSS pre- processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that allow you to make CSS that is more maintainable, themeable and extendable. Less runs inside Node, in the browser and inside Rhino. There are also many 3rd party tools that allow you to compile your files and watch for changes. The quickest place for first experiments with Less is our online editor. For example: @base: #f.

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Less can be used on the command line via npm, downloaded as a script file for the browser or used in a wide variety of third party tools. See the Usage section for more. Installation. The easiest way to install Less on the server, is via npm, the node. Command- line Usage. Once installed, you can invoke the compiler from the command- line, as such: $ lessc styles. This will output the compiled CSS to stdout.

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To save the CSS result to a file of your choice use: $ lessc styles. To output minified CSS you can use the clean- css plugin. When the plugin is installed, a minified CSS output is specified with - -clean- css option: $ lessc - -clean- css styles.

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Getting started. An overview of Less, how to download and use, examples and more. Helping advisors enable clients to achieve their financial goals. Posted on August 4, 2010 by Coleman Benson & filed under How To Make a Robot, Tutorials. Lessons Menu: Lesson 1 – Getting Started; Lesson 2 – Choosing a Robotic.

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To see all the command line options run lessc without parameters or see Usage. Usage in Code. You can invoke the compiler from node, as such: var less = require('less'). Configuration. You may pass some options to the compiler: var less = require('less'). Watch The Lost Battalion Mediafire. See Usage for more information.

Third Party Tools. See the Usage section for details of other tools.

Using less. js in the browser is great for development, but it's not recommended for production. Client- side is the easiest way to get started and good for developing with Less, but in production, when performance and reliability is important, we recommend pre- compiling using node. To start off, link your . Next, download less. Tips. Make sure you include your stylesheets before the script. When you link more than one . So any variables, mixins or namespaces you define in a stylesheet are not accessible in any other.

Due to the same origin policy of browsers loading external resources requires enabling CORSBrowser Options. Options are defined by setting them on a global less object before the < script src="less. Async: false. poll: 1. Line. Numbers: "comments".

Urls: false. rootpath: ": /a. Or for brevity they can be set as attributes on the script and link tags (requires JSON. Learn more about Browser Options. Browser downloads.

Download less. js v. Get the latest Less source code by downloading it directly from Git. Hub. Fork the project and send us a pull request! Install less. js script by running the following in the command line: bower install less.

Less is released under the Apache 2 License (though there are plans to dual license it). Copyright 2. 00. 9- 2. Alexis Sellier and the Less Core Team (see about). Boiled down to smaller chunks, it can be described with the following conditions.

It allows you to: Freely download and use Less, in whole or in part, for personal, company internal or commercial purposes. Use Less in packages or distributions that you create. It forbids you to: Redistribute any piece of Less without proper attribution. It requires you to: Include a copy of the license in any redistribution you may make that includes Less. Provide clear attribution to The Less Core Team for any distributions that include Less. It does not require you to: Include the source of Less itself, or of any modifications you may have made to it, in any redistribution you may assemble that includes it. Submit changes that you make back to the Less project (though such feedback is encouraged)The full Less license is located in the project repository for more information.