While We`Re Young Full Movie Part 1

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Han Solo Wookieepedia FANDOM powered by Wikia. Han Solo"Never tell me the odds!"―Han Solo[src]Han Solo was a humanmalesmuggler who became a leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and an instrumental figure in the defeat of the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. He hailed from Corellia and became a smuggler in the employ of Jabba the Hutt, even completing the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs with his prized ship, the Millennium Falcon.

He was the son- in- law of fallen Jedi Knight. Anakin Skywalker and Senator.

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While We`Re Young Full Movie Part 1

Han Solo was a human male smuggler who became a leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. It: Chapter One, commonly known simply as It, is a 2017 American supernatural horror film directed by Andy Muschietti, based on the 1986 novel of the same name by.

An actor and producer known as much for his versatility as he is for his handsome face, Golden Globe-winner Brad Pitt's most widely recognized role.

While We`Re Young Full Movie Part 1

Padmé Amidala, husband of Leia Organa, brother- in- law of Luke Skywalker, father of Ben Solo, rivals and close friends with fellow smuggler Lando Calrissian, and best friends with the Wookiee. Chewbacca, his trusted co- pilot who swore a life debt to the Corellian smuggler. Solo ran afoul of Jabba after ditching a shipment of spice to avoid trouble with the Empire, owing the Hutt a great deal of money as a result. His fortune seemed to have changed when he agreed to charter Luke Skywalker, Obi- Wan Kenobi, and the droids. R2- D2 and C- 3. PO to Alderaan, but he became caught up in the rebellion against the Empire and, after helping Princess.

Leia Organaescape from the Death Star, briefly fought in the Battle of Yavin, which allowed Skywalker to destroy the superweapon. Solo fought with the Rebellion for a number of years afterward, taking part in numerous operations and battles against the Empire. After the Battle of Hoth, Solo sought safe refuge with Organa—with whom he had fallen in love—Chewbacca, and Threepio on Cloud City, which was operated by his old friend Lando Calrissian. There, they were captured by the Sith Lord. Darth Vader as part of a trap to bait Skywalker to the city. Solo was frozen in carbonite and taken to Jabba's Palace on Tatooine by the bounty hunter. Boba Fett, where he remained encased in carbonite for months until he was rescued by his friends.

After returning to the Alliance Fleet, Solo was promoted to the rank of general and was given command of the Pathfinders, a special forces squad, for the Battle of Endor. Solo led the Pathfinders to Endor, where he, Organa, Chewbacca, and the special forces team, with the help of the native Ewoks, destroyed the shield generator protecting the second Death Star that was being constructed in orbit. Their actions allowed the Alliance Fleet to destroy the superweapon. The Battle of Endor, which saw the deaths of the Emperor and Darth Vader, allowed the Rebellion to form the New Republic. In the early days after Endor, Solo continued to lead the Pathfinders against the Empire. He married Organa, and the two had a son, Ben Solo.

The boy struggled with the dark side of the Force—like his mother, who was the daughter of Darth Vader and twin sister of Luke Skywalker, Ben was Force- sensitive—so Organa sent him to be trained by Skywalker. He was seduced to the dark side by Snoke, Supreme Leader of the First Order, and destroyed Skywalker's attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order. Having lost their son, Solo left and returned to smuggling, and even lost the Millennium Falcon to numerous thieves. He continued to smuggle until he was brought back into the fight by a scavenger named Rey and a defected First Order stormtrooper named Finn, who carried with them a droid, BB- 8, that had part of a map to Skywalker's location. Solo, who retrieved the Falcon from Rey and Finn, returned to Organa, who led the Resistance against the First Order, and fought in the battle to destroy the First Order superweapon known as Starkiller Base.

During the battle, Solo saw his son, who had taken the name Kylo Ren, and tried to convince him to return home. Instead, Kylo stabbed his father with his lightsaber. Mortally wounded, Solo fell to his death in the bowels of the Starkiller weapon. Biography. Edit. Early life. Edit"I saved him, at least that's what he says, the big fuzzy fool, but really, he saved me. I was on a bad path, and Chewie, he put me straight.

Saved my shanks more than once too."―Han Solo on how Chewbacca saved him[src]The Millennium Falcon, Han Solo's most prized possession. Han Solo was born on the planet. Corellia during the waning years of the Galactic Republic.

He was orphaned at a young age, and turned to a life of crime as a thief in order to survive the perils of the galaxy. Solo, at some point, acquired a starship and became an exceptional pilot. Solo began working outside of the Galactic Empire's laws, beginning a career in illegal smuggling.[1. Watch The Game Online (2017).

Solo eventually met the Wookiee. Chewbacca, whom he saved from imprisonment.

Chewbacca, grateful for Solo's intervention, proclaimed a life debt to the smuggler. Chewbacca thereby became Solo's first mate aboard his ship and the smuggling duo became lifelong friends.[1. Solo and Chewbacca, at some point, met the self- proclaimed galactic entrepreneur and gambler Lando Calrissian, against whom Solo played a game of "Corellian Spike" Sabacc using a pair of gold dice. During which, Solo gambled for and won Calrissian's YT- 1. Millennium Falcon. The Falcon instantly became Solo's most prized possession and he tied the pair of golden dice he used in the momentous game together and hung them in the Falcon's cockpit.[1. With their new- found ship and confidence, Solo and Chewbacca began engaging in much more dangerous and risky smuggling operations.[1.

Around the same time, Chewbacca likewise hung a pair of chance cube dice above the freighter's piloting console.[1. During his early years as a smuggler, Solo devised a plot to get revenge against a crime lord who operated a gambling den on the planet Stenness,[1. In order for the escapade to look as legitimate as possible, Solo and his fellow scoundrels arranged a fraudulent marriage ceremony where Solo and the woman Sana Starros were illegitimately married. The robbery occurred, too, and Solo was given his share. However, Solo also took Starros's share and fled, leaving Starros in a dire situation.[1. As a result, Starros came to believe that the only thing Solo was good for was lying, likening him to a "scoundrel."[1. Solo and Chewbacca also crash- landed on an unnamed planet in the Monsua Nebula that was entirely covered in electrical super- storms and cyclones.[1.

But beneath the storms, a beautiful oasis laid. Solo and his copilot located a cave that they turned into a secret hiding place, storing Corellian wine and other things within. He and Chewbacca used the den several times over the years.[1. Solo in Chalmun's Cantina. Eventually, the pair came into the employment of the Outer Rimcrime lord. Jabba the Hutt, who was based on the desert planet Tatooine[2.

Hutt Clan.[2. 1] Solo and Chewbacca smuggled for Jabba for many years[7] and Solo became Jabba's top smuggler. The smuggling duo also spent much time in Chalmun's Cantina looking for work.[1.

However, they were forced to dump a shipment of valuable spice,[2. Falcon was boarded by an Imperial crew who would have surely arrested Solo and Chewbacca if they had been caught with the illicit drug.[2. Solo and Chewbacca returned to Jabba, who placed a large bounty of 5. Solo paid restitution for the Hutt's loss.[1.

Solo, some time later, in order to repay the Hutt, smuggled for the Pyke Syndicate, who controlled a near- monopoly over the spice trade, from the planet Kessel where the syndicate's controlled the spice mines of Kessel. Solo and Chewbacca were hired to transport spice from Kessel[1. Kessel Runs.[2. 5] Using the Falcon, Solo broke a long- held record for the Kessel Run, he completed the challenge in less than twelve parsecs.[5][1. Galactic Civil War. Edit. A fateful business venture.

Edit"Seventeen- thousand! Those guys must really be desperate—this could really save my neck. Get back to the ship and get it ready."―Han Solo, to Chewbacca, after meeting with Kenobi and Skywalker[src]Solo and Chewbacca negotiate passage fees with Kenobi and Skywalker in Chalmun's Cantina.